Cet ACTEUR est encore PAPA !

L'acteur Justin Baldoni qui a explosé dans le rôle de Rafael dans la série "Jane the Virgin", vient d'accueillir un baby boy !

Déjà papa d'une petite Maiya de 2 ans avec son épouse Emily, l'heureux sexy jeune papa a donc eu la joie de voir naître un petit Maxwell Roland-Samuel il y a quelques jours...

Et, oui, il a aussi promené sa belle gueule sur les plateaux de "Charmed", "Les Feux de l'amour", ou encore "Amour, gloire et beauté"...



Et voici le nouveau-né !


L'heureuse petite famille


#ad We had so much fun capturing pictures of this special time in our life with our friends at @target while documenting the silliness and playfulness that comes with having children. The beautiful nursery Target helped us bring to life feels calm, light and bright – the perfect space to create new memories with our growing family. But at the same time, it’s important to remember that life is not as one-dimensional as this photo; as one dimensional as our phone screens. It's not. So let’s get real. Parenting -- this sh*$ is intense! I mean common... you are bringing a new life into this world. This is not easy! The truth is, I am working non-stop. Emily is 9 months pregnant which means she is actually working non-stop. Maiya is growing and changing, and has no way of fully grasping how her little brother is about to rock her world. How he's about to rock all of our worlds. We are tired, and anxious, and excited, and nervous, and grateful and scared. Basically, we are human and feeling all the highs and lows that come with it. Yes we are extremely fortunate. Yes Emily and I love each other and Maiya is amazing... but at the same time, we are all human - we all have our flaws, our insecurities, our bad moods and bad days.

Une publication partagée par Justin Baldoni (@justinbaldoni) le



Crédit photos : Instagram @justinbaldoni