NIKKI REED et son VENTRE ultra PLAT dix secondes après l'ACCOUCHEMENT !

Il y a tout juste un mois, Nikki Reed a donné naissance à une petite fille, prénommée Bodhi Soleil, fruit de sa love story avec Ian Somerhalder !

Et les deux tourtereaux avaient décidé de se couper des réseaux sociaux pendant quelques temps pour rester avec leur petite merveille.

Mais ça y est, le break est terminé pour Nikki qui en profite pour s'exhiber en pleine séance de yoga fraternelle !

Et on a beau chercher, impossible de voir des traces d'une quelconque grossesse récente : le ventre plat est déjà de retour !


Le yoga avant de tomber enceinte...


Et le yoga post-accouchement !


"Hey brother stay away from my uterus." Totally normal thing to say to your brother postpartum 😂 Also 📷cred...our Mom. She still thinks everything we do is super cool. Thanks mom. Ps This might make me feel like a badass but if you know Acro-yoga, you'll see it's really just a basic stretch. Can't do much yet, but while I wait and recover, I might as well do things that make me feel like superwoman with my big bro :). Thanks for the sweet afternoon Boog, I can't wait to get back into some serious moves with you❤️💪🏻 #Repost @nathanaugustreed ・・・ More stretches and rejuvenating postures. #Teamwork. This time with my beautiful, loving, caring sister who is now a proud mother of a gorgeous little girl. This easy pose stretches her hips, triceps and even her abdomen, which are of course still in repair mode. Of all the postures, there were a few that really felt amazing for her. This was one of them. Can you believe how amazing she looks? I swear she's already in proper shape to join me for the San Diego Triathalon next month...

Une publication partagée par Nikki Reed (@iamnikkireed) le


Crédit Photo : Instagram@iamnikkireed / Pinterest